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Try Partnered Prayer - 5 Minutes Per Day / 40 Days - Your Life Will Change!

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To begin the survey, please complete the profile/login information for each person.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure Person #1 and Person #2 email addresses are different - they may not be the same email address.
All technical support issues relating to the survey should be sent to
Please do not contact Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion with technical support questions. Thank you for your understanding.

Person #1 Login Information

Please complete the following information for person #1. All fields are required.

First Name:

Last Name:

Zip Code:

You will use the email address and password entered below for login purposes.

Email Address:


Person #2 Login Information

Please complete the following information for person #2. All fields are required.

First Name:

Last Name:

Zip Code:

You will use the email address and password entered below for login purposes.

Email Address:


Need Help? Contact support via email at

Helpful Information…

For the integrity of the Baylor research data, each partner will take the survey separately and have his/her own user name and password.

These two points are important:

  1. In order to participate in the survey, each person must have their own email address. (see FAQ’s)
  2. When you sign in at, you and your partner must initially sign up together, on the same device; i.e., the same smart phone, tablet, or computer. You will each create a unique email address to login and a password. (see FAQ’s)

If your partner is not physically present, designate one person to sign up on behalf of both of you. That person must then pass along the unique login and password information to his/her partner, who can then change the password on their own device if they so desire. (see FAQ’s)

Once you have signed up, and the system knows your email address, your password, and if applicable, the church or organization you are associated with, you can then sign-in on separate devices to take the survey, or you may take the survey on the same device, one after the other.