Your Questions Answered
- Getting your mate to pray with you?
- Does prayer help marital romance?
- The biblical basis of Partnered Prayer?
- Is there scientific evidence for prayer?
- What happens when friends pray?
- What if our prayers aren't answered?
- What happens when families pray?
- A relationship seems beyond?
Sample Prayers
Thank-you, Father, for my [husband/wife]. Please help us to be open and honest with each other. Help us to be kind and patient. Teach us to show appreciation every day; to honor each other; and help our marriage to grow stronger and stronger.
Lord, thank you for [name of friend]. Bless [name] today. Please keep [him/her] safe. Thank-you that we can trust each other with our concerns and our heart’s desires. Thank-you for this gift of friendship.
Your Prayer Score
Couples receive "Your Prayer Score" when you take the 2nd short survey at the end of the 40 days of Partnered Prayer.
Simple bar graphs will show your progress in 20 areas of relational growth.
Expect a reduction in arguments and a wonderful elevation of respect, appreciation and romance!
Who Initiated Pray Together
Stay Together?
Was it Father Patrick Peyton, the 1950's evangelist priest?
Was it the founders of Pray Together Stay Together?
...the idea of two people being richly blessed when they pray together comes from Jesus.
Why Take The Pray Stay Challenge?

Our studies show that couples who pray together 5 minutes a day for 40 days can have results like these:
- Fear of Divorce Vanishes
- Communication Expands
- Arguments Diminish
- Respect Rises
- Romance Escalates
How Do We Start
Praying Together?
- Select Your Prayer Partner
- Couples (married/unmarried)
- Two Family Members
- Two Friends
- Commit To Praying Together 5 minutes a day for 40 days.
Tips On How To
Pray Together?
- Just Start Talking to God
- Make Time to Pray
- Have an Attitude of Gratitude
- Confess Wrongdoings - Ask Forgiveness
- Pray Out Loud
- Keep it Short